
Wall Street Journal Review

August 14, 2011 Posted by admin

Here is a fabulous review in the Wall Street Journal from Pia Catton. Thank you so much Pia!

A Miniskirt Started It – Pia Catton  – The Wall Street Journal  AUGUST 13, 2011

If you have not been frolicking throughout Europe and Hollywood with the rich and famous this summer, you may wish to dive into the memoir of fashion designer and bon vivant Vicky Tiel. “It’s All About the Dress” is a breeze through her 40 years in the worlds of fashion, celebrity, sex and food. Ms. Tiel dressed Elizabeth Taylor, Goldie Hawn and Jane Fonda, and partied with Miles Davis, Warren Beatty and Aaron Spelling. Reading her stories is a grand time all on its own. Read more>